HEPA Filter Cleaning and Lessons Learned

I just had $90K yanked out of my hand and I’m still bleeding from the wound I recieved. It has taught me a couple of things, losing that much money so fast, one of them being to let go of the past and be hopeful about the future. My dad worked hard for that money with his heating and cooling company and I just threw it on the roulette table of life and lost it. I also learned that I am very impatient and that I need to work on getting more patience in my life. I’m learning that if I work hard as an HVAC tech, which is what my dad taught me about when I was a kid, I can save money and get it all back over time. I will do that for my dad and get it back one way or another. I still have 306 million Shiba coins for what it’s worth. If the coin somehow jumps again like it did a year ago then I could be all set with getting my dad’s money back, let’s just sit on it and see what the years bring me. I’ll keep doing my air conditioning repairs on the side and help people at the HVAC company with their smart thermostat questions and let time go by. These cryptos are a strange breed and you can wake up one day and be a millionaire like so many others have done. Anyways, I like to work on HVAC systems and meet people so it is no big deal for me to work some.

a/c repair