My partner and me have been fighting a lot lately. We just had our 2nd child and it has been a real pressing time on the 2 of us all around. I think we argue more because the two of us are both tired from staying up with the baby every evening and getting little sleep… My partner thinks I should be doing more around the house as well as I know she could be doing more too, then however, there is a single one thing that the two of us just can’t come to an agreement on lately as well as that is the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system in our home… Normally, the two of us keep our control equipment and our thermostat set at seventy degrees as well as it never changes. However, she has been putting the cooling unit on a lot as well as setting the control equipment’s thermostat to about sixty-five degrees. I am constantly walking around with a jacket on because it is way too cold in our home as well as cold outside because it is the Winter time months. Every single last one of us have gotten into screaming matches about this because I know she is being insufficient and not too fair about the cooling system. I unquestionably wish she would just look at things from my point of view for once, but I know she feels the exact same way. I unquestionably hope this isn’t an argument that keeps going on such as this. I know I feel as if I am going to just give in as well as let her set the cooling proposal of a system on the thermostat to whatever she wants because I am tired of fighting like this every single day over something so crazy as temperature control and the HVAC system!