Found great HVAC cooling out on the road

When it came down to it, I was willing to do whatever I needed to do when it came to the survival of my business.

While that didn’t exactly surprise me, I was surprised that I was willing to stay out on the road for four months straight that first Summer of the pandemic.

This was something that would have been unfathomable prior to Covid plus being shut out of air travel. Even with the HEPA filters plus the mask mandates, I just didn’t assume at all comfortable about flying. It wouldn’t do my any nice to save the corporation if I happened to be 1 of those unblessed souls who ended up dying from Covid. And so, it was out on the road I went. My spouse had to stay home inside the central a/c of our home alone with the dog that entire summer. Yet, she was a total trooper plus couldn’t have been any more supportive than she was. This wasn’t a surprise. But I’ll tell you what was a surprise plus that was finding consistent, nice HVAC cooling while on the road. My automobile has great a/c however I’m talking about lodging. Since I was out that entire time, I had to go with the budget option on my accommodations. So I stayed at the roadside hotels plus motels. What I found there was unquestionably clean, comfortable rooms at a unquestionably sufficient price. Plus, those old school wall unit cooling systems were on point. There wasn’t a single night where I wasn’t perfectly comfortable with the level of HVAC cooling in my room.

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