forgot air filter

I am a little slow when it comes to getting things done! I kind of have the mindset of when I have a ton of things to do, I kind of hope they will go away on their own somehow, and after that I won’t end up doing them. I have gotten myself into trouble many times because of this and yet I don’t end up studying my lesson! Once again, I ended up waiting a long time to officially take care of my air conditioner, and I experienced concerns. It started a couple of weeks ago, when I noticed that my a/c component kept turning on and off, the issue only grew worse over the following afternoons, so I had it turned off while I called a nearby HVAC business. The nearest appointment wasn’t until yesterday, so I had to wait and go without heating or cooling until now. When yesterday came and the a/c professional arrived, it only took him 5 minutes to figure out the issue! He showed me a filthy a/c filter, and told me that I was lucky my cooling plan wasn’t messed up. I forgot to change the a/c filter again, and this time I came close to messing up our a/c device. I was actually lucky it was changed when it was, otherwise I actually would’ve eventually tried to run it again, completely forgetting about the filter. I might have to get a heating and air conditioning service plan, so that way there is regularly someone to remind me of upcoming HVAC services plus appointments.


ductwork cleaning