Dual fuel heating system offers some great features

When the temperature drops below chilly, the system switches to the furnace

Just a handful of years ago, our furnace quit completely. The heating system was too outdated and outdated to make a repair worthwhile; Replacing the heating system was the smart choice. This presented an ideal chance to upgrade to central air conditioner; Since moving into the house nearly ten years before, we’d gotten by with window cooling systems and box fans. When I asked the Heating and A/C supplier who was handling the furnace installation about cooling options, he commanded choosing a heat pump. Since a heat pump is far more costly to purchase than an cooling system, my hubby and I were skeptical. However, once my associate and I did some research, my associate and I changed our minds, and pairing an electric heat pump and a gas furnace into a dual fuel system provides a lot of cost saving benefit. The luck of a heat pump is that it’s far more energy efficient than a furnace. The system works by simply moving heat between the indoors and the outdoors. In cooling mode, it operates just like a conventional cooling system. In heating mode, it reverses the flow of refrigerant and pulls ambient heat from the outdoor air. The process avoids the safety and health risks of the combustion of fossil fuels. It significantly lessens impact on the environment and running costs. It’s also helpful that the heat pump effectively handles excess humidity in Summer and won’t overly dry out the air while in the winter. My associate and I chose a top-of-the-line heat pump that features stretchy-speed technology, which maintains honestly even indoor temperature and achieves outstanding efficiency ratings. For the majority of the year, my associate and I rely on the heat pump for comfort. When the temperature drops below chilly, the system switches to the furnace. The furnace is powerful enough to handle the especially cold weather.

space heater