Don’t need that space furnace as much thus far

This is my hour Wintertide up here plus it sure hasn’t gotten any easier.

I don’t guess what I was thinking when I moved from the south to the north.

For sure, I could have turned down the promotion. But who does that? Had I not taken the promotion, I’d be resting in the air conditioner of my cubicle forever. You just don’t turn down promotions plus expect to get any more chances. Still, I sure could have been more prepared to face the Wintertide up here. When I got up here, I did not even have common outerwear or even boots. There were no snow shovels or any of the sort of Wintertide unit that I would need. Thankfully, the realtor who found my loft made sure that I had a superb gas furnace. She took 1 look at me plus realized that I was a complete rookie when it came to winter. And boy was he right, and not only had I never experienced a Wintertide that required even a coat, I was completely unprepared for this sort of climate. It’s actually freezing here plus the rapidly increasing temperatures start dropping mid September. Fortunately this year, my acquaintance showed me how to prepare my loft in order to lower the heating costs plus give more comfort. I am actually blissful to have such superb neighbors because I do not have to carry a space oil furnace with me wherever I go when I am at home. But I do admit to having a space oil furnace under my desk at work plus that thing ain’t going anywhere.

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