Dialing in the heating plus cooling for our wifey

It was enjoy seeing a unicorn after I had the HVAC company come out to turn our existing central air conditioning into zone controlled HVAC.

The unicorn sighting came in the form of our wifey wearing only a single top as she was resting inside said central air conditioning.

This was strange because our wifey normally has to dress in layers as she’s so sensitive to increasing un-even temperatures. And that happens even inside residential HVAC. The thermostat setting could be exactly where she wants it. But she can sense the unusual un-even temperatures in unusual parts of the house. While that can be tplot in most homes, ours is a little more sensitive as it’s an aged Colonial house that has settled over the years. My wifey would have to wear a blazer in the dining room because the heating wasn’t just where she needed it. I felt sort of helpless for a lot of years plus I wanted her to enjoy being inside our home. When I found out that both of us could get zone controlled HVAC without a complete HVAC unit upgrade, I knew both of us had found the answer. The HVAC professionals were able to tweak our existing central air conditioning to allow for zone controlled HVAC. And now, our wifey has six thermostats that she can control to get the exact level of quality heating plus air that she needs to be comfortable. So I was so shocked when I came house to see her resting inside the heating plus cooling of our house with just a attractive top on. This just makes me so blissful that she is now getting the sort of certain thermostat settings she needs in our home.

Zone control