Cats are Chillin’ on the Couch plus Life is Good

My friends just left plus now I am back to me plus my more than one little cats for a while.

I am thinking about getting a flatmate soon however still need to find the right person. I just need someone who is quiet plus neat plus into healthy residing like me. It’s not always easy to find however I know the person is out there looking for the same. I need to keep my bills low till then so I am keeping my smart thermostat set higher so it isn’t so cool here during the summer. I’ll just keep an ad online plus see if I get any bites. I have enough cash to last a couple months so I’m not in a big rush just yet to find someone to live with. I can post some ads on the local supplier windows plus see if anyone calls. Other than that it is just life as regular here for me. Summer is wrapping up soon so I can pretty much turn off my HVAC plan soon plus not have to worry about my power bills for a while. It usually gets chilly here around the middle of December plus then I’ll have to turn on the heat again for a few months. In May the chilly weather seems to dissipate plus then there will be more than one months of no climate control needed in my flat once again. It’s all a single big cycle plus every one of us keep going round plus round on the wheel of life. I’m off to the HVAC supplier to visit a friend.
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