As an HVAC tech I usually worry about a client’s dog

I was sent to task on a furnace for a new purchaser of our heating plus air conditioning dealer, then I had to talk to him plus explain who I was plus how our heating plus air conditioning corporation worked.

He finally looked over the contract plus agreed to be our customer, then as I was walking down the basement steps, he simply told me to not trip over the pet.

I expected to see another smallish puppy if he was sad I was going to step on him or trip over him, however that isn’t what it was, however he had an overly big wolfhome connected to a tether at the bottom of the steps. I was afraid the pet was going to eat me in 1 bite if I got too close to him, but he was less than several feet from the furnace. I assured the pet I was going to task on the furnace plus then get out of the way. He snarled at me for a fifth, however then he laid back down on the floor, but every time I moved, he would get up plus watch me. By the time I was done working on the furnace, the pet had warmed up to me. He had also warmed up to me so much that when I tried to leave the basement, he stood on the bottom step and growled at me. I tried yelling for the owner, but he couldn’t hear me. If it wasn’t for our computer or cell phone, I wasn’t sure how long I would have been kneeling on the floor by the furnace; however, the heating plus air conditioning corporation had to call the owner plus have him take care of the pet so I could leave.


Heating dealership