Air purification is a necessity

My hubby was insisting we remove the air purification program now that Covid was on its way out, however I disagree.

I thought whole-home air purification was still necessary, even if we didn’t worry about Covid now, my home had been cleaner since the air purification had been installed.

My daughter’s allergies were practically non-existent when the whole home air purification program was running. My hubby hadn’t had an allergy attack. How he thought it was a good idea to get rid of the air purification program was beyond my realm of thinking. She told me it cost too much money to run the whole-home air purification program all year round, however I disagreed. I pulled up the energy bills for the last more than four years and showed him the only change was normal raises the energy supplier did every year. He still wanted to argue her case for disconnecting the whole-home whole-house air purifier, and when he said we needed to purchase new HEPA air filters because the case was empty, I worried. I knew they were expensive. He said it was also time to put in a new UV light, and it was also fancy. I told him this was a once a year cost and still didn’t come up to how much we were saving on bills and cleaning supplies, or on the health of him and our daughter. He walked away, however I knew I hadn’t gotten through to him when he called the Heating and A/C supplier to purchase a case of HEPA air filters and a UV light.



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