Adding a Ductless Mini Split Unit To Home Office

I detached the last of the kitchen furniture & I added a ductless mini split system.

When I was sent home with all of my belongings from labor & told that I’d be toiling from home for 2 weeks, I thought it was a temporary solution. I had no idea that those two weeks would bleed into a month & that month would bleed into over a year, however when I first brought my things home, I worked from the dining room table; Eventually, I transitioned into one of the guest kitchens. During the process, I discovered that I legitimately enjoyed toiling from home & that I was much more productive. I suppose everyone else that I worked with felt the same way, so our company decided to let us labor from home permanently. When this decision was announced, I took it upon myself to completely redesign the spare kitchen into a functional office. After toiling in the space for over a year, I had already done a few things to make it more functional, but there were a few other things that needed to be done. I detached the last of the kitchen furniture & I added a ductless mini split system. The guest kitchen was upstairs & the heat was regularly warmer up there, especially during the summer time months. I needed a way to cool the space without affecting the rest of my Heating and Air Conditioning system, so a ductless mini split component was perfect. I could turn on the air while I worked & love the cool air without hearing it run or feeling a blast of cool air consistently on me.

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