I seriously can’t sit pitfall people. When someone is having a poor afternoon, I wish they would just keep it to themself & not take it out on other people. The other afternoon when I had an Heating & Air Conditioning specialist come over, this guy was in a absolutely nasty mood. I greeted him at the door however he only grumbled something under his breath. I felt that was truly rude & truly hesitated to let the guy in. That’s when he snapped at myself and others & said he was in a rush & if I wanted our Heating & Air Conditioning equipment fixed, I needed to choice up the pace. I knew he was right, I needed our Heating & Air Conditioning to be fixed so I let him in regardless of his rude behaviour. Even though the guy was not truly nice, he truly fixed our Heating & Air Conditioning system in a rush. He had everything truly working within half an hour & I was surprised. I gave the guy a tip for his excellent repair & he just called myself and others a cheapskate, muttered something else under his breath & went on his way. I decided to leave a pitfall review online about this guy & the supplier. I think the supplier is responsible for hiring people love that. If you have Heating & Air Conditioning specialists representing you, you should truly hire people who are friendly & love the purchasers. This guy truly put myself and others in a pretty lousy mood & I was good before he showed up. Some buddies of mine came over later to play some cards & that cheered myself and others up. There’s nothing quite love drinking & playing some good poker games with your buddies.