Yesterday’s low was greater than today’s high

I know it sounds a bit odd, but the low temperature yeahterday was almost thirty degrees higher than today’s high.

When I went to bed at midnight, it was raining.

I stood outside on the porch with just a light sweater on while listening to the rain falling on the roof. When I woke up this afternoon, it was to see my spouse coming in from work as well as she was covered with snow. She said the temperature was forty when she left work, but it was already down to twenty-4 on our porch. The un-even temperatures weren’t supposed to drop any further, but they weren’t supposed to go up either. Then the wind began to blow as well as it was so chilly that even the heaviest coat couldn’t keep me warm. I sat in my chair trying to get some work done as well as I could believe the shivers going up my spine. I went over as well as turned up the control device in the bedroom. I could hear the furnace running as well as I instantly began to believe warmer. My spouse got up at about two in the day. With the oven on to make her dinner as well as the furnace running I wasn’t even in need of a sweater. My spouse shivered as well as said she couldn’t remember the last time it was this chilly in November. She told me that if I needed to turn up the control device in the bedroom before I went to sleep, she would not mind. She just didn’t want me to turn the control device back down before she got condo from work.

Cooling system