Wintertime is closeby, and I am not ready

I entirely hate the wintertime, i believe that Winter time is necessary, but I just do not care about the cold.

I care about Fall time because it is the perfect temperature during the morning, then the beauty of Fall overwhelms me as well.

I think that the snow in the Winter time is also charming, but it is just too freezing for me to entirely prefer the charming snow. I toil outside of the home, so I have to leave everyday and go out in the freezing weather to get to and from work. If I could toil from home, I think that things would be different, but that is just not possible right now. I am only about a hundred pounds, so that may have to do with why I am consistently freezing! Even during the summertime, I find myself freezing when everyone else is saying that they are a bit warm. I think I was made for the south. I wish so badly that the two of us could transfer south where it is hot almost all year round, and where using a oil furnace is not entirely necessary; My husband said that someday he promises to transfer us south, but right now, the two of us are both tied down here by our tasks. I am not ready for Winter time this year. I have not gotten my oil furnace diagnosed yet which is something that I do every year. I am behind on various things, and I do not even have the cooling systems out of the windows yet. I hope that Winter time comes a little later than common this year so that I will be ready for it.


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