This AC is giving me heartburn

When I moved out of my last rental apartment, and into a home I was buying with my spouse, I thought my problems were over.

It turns out that the old, renters problems were over, but now i have new problems — homeowners problems.

When the house is yours and the plumbing backs up, you can’t call and complain and then someone shows up to fix it for free. Those days are over, pal! If the pipes lock up on me, I have to pay out the butt to have a professional plumber come in and fix it. And the costs of HVAC work, don’t get me started about that! Most places give out free estimates for major jobs, so I called in three different HVAC companies. After hearing what they had to say, I called in three more HVAC companies, and not a one of them had a bit of good news for me. Apparently my air conditioner was 13 years old, and not worth repairing, I was going to need a whole new system. Furthermore, although the wildlife that had been living in the ductwork was gone, they had left behind quite a mess. The air quality I was getting was toxic, thanks to those gross air ducts. I am going to have to come up with a huge chunk of change to get a new air conditioner, but I don’t see what options I have. This kind of repair work is far too complicated for me to handle, and what am I gonna do, live without air conditioning?

electric furnace