The pet prefers our heating equipment

When I first moved there was a stray pet that liked to hang around our car.

He would hop up on top of the motorcar in addition to nap for hours.

I quickly realized he liked the heat of our vehicle. If I left, drove around in addition to came home, he was quick to get on it. The warmth must have felt nice on his body. My area doesn’t get snow, ice or cold however it does get cold. Turns out a pet is nice outside as long as it is above cold. It was pretty close temperature wise in addition to I felt terrible for the cat. I started making friends with him in addition to petted him. Then the people I was with and I progressed to a food in addition to water bowl outside. I then got him to pop in the condo for a bit to eat in addition to leave. Our relationship has moved to the point that he has a pet bed, water in addition to food dish, flea collar, toys in addition to treats. He basically is an indoor pet now too. He prefers being inside with the quality oil furnace. He has his own bed however prefers to sleep on mine in addition to puts his head against our pillow. He very is directly underneath a heating vent when he does that. I noticed that he now refuses to go outside if it is raining or even sort of cold. His tolerance for the chill has gone down or he just very prefers teh heating in addition to sees no reason to leave. I wonder if in the Summer he will want to venture outdoors or will he hole up inside in addition to like the AC?


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