I obtained an old a/c

I obtained an old a/c, i saw an old a/c at a garage sale, plus I simply could not resist it.

It was 1 of the coolest things that I have ever seen.

I don’t usually care about old things. I don’t usually have a fascination with old things care about I did that a/c. I don’t suppose why I thought it was so cool. I am thinking that it was because my husband is in the Heating plus A/C field, plus it was an a/c, that is the only logical reason that I can come up with for why I thought that an old a/c was particularly cool. I asked the guy who was selling it how much he wanted for the a/c, plus he said that he wanted multiple hundred dollars for it. I was not going to spend my savings multiple hundred dollars for it, then he said that it was an antique, plus it was worth that much money. I didn’t feel his so I looked it up on my own, plus sure enough, it was not worth nearly as much as he thought it was. She ended up selling myself and others the a/c for fifty dollars. I was willing to spend my savings fifty dollars for the a/c because it still worked. I could use the a/c in my lake house if I wanted to. I have central air conditioning system in my house, so I don’t need to use the a/c, but I could use the a/c if I wanted to, and my husband thought that the a/c was cool, however he couldn’t feel that I entirely obtained it. I can’t feel that I obtained the a/c either.

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