I decided to return the old thermostat

I knew I had needed to get a new thermostat for a while, and that was okay since I was buying and upgrading different parts of my home anyways.

  • It was just a matter of time before I reached the thermostat anyways.

For my HVAC system, the thermostat was the main thing that needed to be changed. To do that I went online to the local heating and air conditioning company’s store. There is where they had all of their air purifiers, HEPA filters and thermostats listed. I looked through the long list, and had to take a while to decide on what to get. My family let it be known that I should get a smart thermostat, as soon as they heard of my impending decision. I really wasn’t sure. I had heard good things about the smart thermostat, but I was still skeptical. I decided to go against what my family thought, and just get a regular dial thermostat. After I got the dial thermostat, I installed it and went about my day. As the days passed on however, I couldn’t help but to feel disappointed in the job the thermostat was doing. I also couldn’t help but to wonder if the smart thermostat would have been the right choice after all. I decided to go ahead and return the old thermostat, and try out the new smart thermostat instead. Luckily, the A/C business had a return period of 1 week, and I was still in that window. So I returned the old thermostat and bought a smart thermostat instead.
a/c rep