I appreciate it however i don’t

There is nothing like a unquestionably enjoyable rainstorm, having lots of rain is actually the thing I unquestionably appreciate most in life… The way the temperature feels, the way the wind blows plus the sound of rain crashing down is just heaven to me… But unluckyly where I live when there is rain, there is also bad air quality that comes with it… And this bad air quality just sets off our dust irritations like crazy! So it is kind of a messed up situation… In order to care about the rain when it comes, I have to turn on our portable whole-house air purifier; My portable air purification plan is something that helps get me through all the bad air quality that the rain brings in our section so I can actually care about it like a normal guy.

I wish I was not born with these dust irritations that I have.

But thanks to the invention of whole-house air purifiers, I can pretend as if I do not have them. The portable air purification plan I have unquestionably does wonders for our dust irritations plus makes them almost non-existent. I am so thankful for whole-house air purifiers plus would like to shake the hand of whoever came up with the concept of portable whole-house air purifiers. I could never afford one of those whole lake house whole-house air purifiers because I do not have many thoUSAnd dollars to invest in something like that. I am just an average everyday man making an average everyday income. But as long as I have the portable air purification plan with the rainstorms, I will always be enjoyable to go!


I appreciate it however i don’t