Fate, HVAC tech chatted with me at hardware store

Are you the sort of person who believes in fate? Yeah…

I don’t know either.

Sometimes I think that there is a larger plan for everybody and sometimes I think that everything is a complete accident. I never really know where I land on the belief scale. However, there are times that I honestly feel like the universe is conspiring for me. This was definitely the case a few weeks ago when I was in the middle of a complete heating, cooling, and air quality control disaster. For many months I had been suspicious of my indoor air quality control device because it seems to be producing uneven hot and cold temperatures throughout my house. No matter what I set the thermostat to, the indoor air temperature was always doing something different. I couldn’t even trust my indoor air quality, as the humidity seemed to fluctuate high and low everyday. Eventually I realized that I needed to call my heating, cooling, and air quality control dealership… But not before my entire HVAC system broke down. Unfortunately, when this happened I realized I definitely did not have the funds necessary for a full heating and cooling replacement. Eventually, I started to panic about my lack of indoor air temperature control. I went to the local hardware store and began looking for potential solutions to my air temperature disaster. As I stood in the aisle, staring at HVAC equipment that I didn’t understand I struck up a conversation with a stranger. Wouldn’t you know, it was the owner of an HVAC dealership. He promptly offered me free heating and cooling Services after hearing about my disastrous situation. It’s times like these that I believe the universe has a plan.

temperature control