My new room must have the finest cooling equipment

I made the choice that I’m actually finished talking about it, plus I am ready to pull the trigger on my modern Man Cave.

I have been planning out every single one of the details for my renovated study for numerous months, plus finally I’ve saved up enough money to get it just how I want it.

No shortcuts, no half-steppin, luxury all the way, because if I’m going to do it, I want to make sure everything is right. I need to have a high def projection screen TV, voice controlled entertainment system, full bar, recliners with custom holders for game controllers plus beer, and a state of the art HVAC that would make it the most comfy room in the property, maybe in the world! The central heating plus cooling equipment for this property still runs truly well, but it doesn’t have zone control. I don’t want to have my private time totally interrupted because someone downstairs turned up the temperature control. When I was at the home renovation store plus saw the portable A/C equipment on sale for approximately three hundred bucks, I knew my setbacks had been solved. This baby is actually powerful enough that it can cool down the whole room in four minutes, plus it’s all-in-one with a built in air filter plus no HVAC duct! This A/C equipment is about the size of a medium suitcase, plus I can slide it under the coffee table when I need to put it away. I am still working on all the other aspects of my ideal room, but at least I have the A/C equipment situation under control, plus so I am off to a good start.

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