He Said I Needed a New Air Exchanger

I cherish the two times per year that I hire an HVAC technician to service my HVAC system.

  • I have little knowledge about heat and air systems, so I rely on a certified HVAC professional to keep my HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently.

During my last HVAC service appointment, the HVAC technician pulled me aside and recommended that I invest in a new air exchanger. The one that was already installed was old and constantly needing repaired. I didn’t know anything about air exchangers, so I asked the HVAC technician some questions about it. He told me that the air exchanger was important to my HVAC system for many reasons. First, it saved energy during dry and cooler temperatures by recovering moisture and warmth that was being put out. The air exchanger also ventilated the air 24/7. Lastly, the HVAC technician said that the newer air exchangers were designed to last longer and need less maintenance. He already had an air exchanger in mind that he believed would work well with my HVAC system. According to him, it had an easy opening for an air filter replacement and it was super easy to install in the garage or attic. I trusted his opinion and agreed to have the new air exchanger installed the following day. This is why I hired an HVAC technician in the first place, because I’d never know to replace the air exchanger. Not only would I not know to replace the air exchanger, but I wouldn’t know how to either.


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