The AC was good and then it was bad

I love my job and it got even better when I was given a new position. I was travelling to different locations of our company, and training their staff. This meant that I was going to different towns and spending a lot of time away from home. The company paid for my hotel and they always booked a really nice hotel room for me. I had all of my expenses paid and they gave me a credit card for incidentals. When I got to my last location, I went right to the hotel so I could get my presentation ready for the next morning. The first thing I did when I went into the hotel room, was to lower the thermostat as low as it could go. I need cool air to relax and think. I try to get the air conditioning running as cool as it could. I got my work done that night and I got a marvelous night of sleep, due to the air conditioning. The next night, I once again had a great night of sleep. The air conditioning was working well. It didn’t matter which it was because I was sleeping well. I put in a really long day on the second day. I had to do two training sessions and they were back to back. I spent nearly twelve hours talking to people and all I wanted to do was sleep. After we got done with dinner, I headed back to the hotel. The air conditioning wasn’t working when I got to the room and I thought about calling the front desk. I was so tired that I fell right to sleep. I woke up sweating and in a miserable mood, since the AC never did turn on.

Zoned HVAC