Not an actually fantastic Heating & Air Conditioning dealer

I did all the schooling to be a Heating & Air Conditioning dealer.

I shadowed a real Heating & Air Conditioning specialist for over a year.

Every task she went on I was right there. I handed the woman tools, deduced Heating & Air Conditioning repairs & assisted him with difficult tasks. I mainly carried tools & cleaned up after tasks. I have to say though, I was a fantastic Heating & Air Conditioning specialist assist; My woman & I could get any Heating & Air Conditioning task in under an hour. The home was left clean & the customers were ecstatic. I also got along with our Heating & Air Conditioning specialist. I was so in care about with the profession that I rushed getting our Heating & Air Conditioning certification. I took all the tests & got NATE certified. I have the comprehension of the field & the experience. Well, after being certified I got to be on our own for tasks. I realized that I am a fantastic assistant, however a exhausting Heating & Air Conditioning dealer. I can see what needs to be done, however I absolutely can’t make the Heating & Air Conditioning repair. I watched our previous Heating & Air Conditioning woman do it, however never absolutely did it myself. So for ducttoil cleaning I frequently make holes in the air ducts. When I clean a fan motor belt, I tear it. With gas hookups on a furnace, I install them wrong every time. People have been complaining about me. I wish I would have stayed the assistant. I like the clean up & handling of the tool portion of the task. I am just not as handy with the tools as I thought.

heating company