Nobody knows how the thermostat got broken

The HVAC company technician brought me a new programmable thermostat to replace the broken machine.

When I came home from work last night, all three of the kids were sitting quietly in the living room. They were watching TV and they weren’t making a sound. I immediately knew there was a problem, because the kids are never quietly sitting in the living room when I come home. I saw the thermostat setting on the kitchen table when I walked through the door. The wires were frayed and the thermostat was broken. I marched into the living room and I demanded to know how the thermostat became broken. Each one of the kids gave me the same exact response. No one seemed to know how the thermostat fell off the wall and broke. I tried to get the kids to tell me the truth for an hour, but they were very tight-lipped. None of them told me the truth. At least all of the kids stuck together for a change. I don’t know how the thermostat became broken, but I had to call the HVAC repair service to fix it. I probably could have looked up a video online and made the repair on my own, but I am a busy single mother and I don’t have time for household repairs like that. The HVAC company technician brought me a new programmable thermostat to replace the broken machine. I like it much better than our old thermostat. I can set the temperature differently during odd times of the day. It’s a real upgrade compared to the old 4 inch digital display. I’m almost happy the kids broke our old machine.


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