My young daughters dust irritations were eliminated by an air cleaner

My family never really had too much trouble with pollen and dust irritations.

  • These are legitimately irritants that would make us sneeze like everyday whether we would be indoors or outdoors.

Just this past year, my youngest daughter began to get dust as well as pollen dust irritations at 6 years old, surprisingly. I was so unsure on how to deal with them! I assumed the best course of action was to go to the doctor for allergy symptom medications. The doctor prescribed some medication and I thought that it somewhat relieved her symptoms, then her sinuses were still irritated and the problem was not fixed. It was like putting a Band-Aid on a wound that needed more extensive treatment then just taking medicine. I had not realized that it was possible to eliminate the problem right at its source! One may have little control over the dust and pollen that swirls around in the outside world, but when it comes to the comfort of your own home, you can supply protection for those in your family who are sensitive to such allergens. For the sake of my young daughter I decided to invest in a whole-house air purifier that would work with our existing temperature control device to eliminate the vast majority of irritants within the air that we breathe in our home. I was undoubtedly hopeful that our house would become a venue where my daughter would have a significant amount of relief from her dust irritations. In the end, this more or less proved to be a fact! With the benefit of the air purification system, my daughter exhibited far less allergy symptoms than ever before.

Duct cleaning