Manifesting bad financial standing

I know that it’s difficult to comprehend, but I truly feel like you can guide your life with your thoughts.

Of course, if you are a motivated person and you’re continually putting your energy towards your goals, you will make progress.

However, I also feel that your energy can direct your good and bad karma in life. For example, if you expect the worst out of life, that’s what you’ll get. In my case, I’ve had to accept that if you are constantly telling yourself that you can’t afford something, you will continue to be poor. Personally, this has been very insightful and it’s come to my central heating and cooling system. For as long as I can remember I’ve been extremely stringent about my indoor air quality equipment usage. I absolutely hate to adjust the thermostat up or down because I know that any temperature modifications quickly lead to increased energy bills and higher HVAC bills down the line. When you have an advanced temperature control plan and continue to modify the indoor air quality, you will accumulate more wear and tear on your central heating and cooling system. This will cost you more money down the road when you need expensive HVAC repairs. As such, I have consistently told myself that I wasn’t the sort of person who could utilize my heating and cooling system on a regular basis. I’ve lived with the bare minimum for indoor air temperature control for my entire adult life. I realized at some point that having this scarcity mindset when it comes to HVAC equipment and energy bills was a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I believe that I don’t have the money for high-quality indoor air, then I never will. These days, I operate my heating and cooling system according to my every whim. I know that I will be able to afford it.


HVAC equipment