Growing up in the south, I’m accustomed to hot and sticky weather. It was not only necessary to run the air conditioner just about all year round, but the help of a dehumidifier was also a must. I paid enormous electric bills. I constantly was met with issues of mildew, mold plus bacterial growth. I spent a lot of money on sunblock, sunglasses plus swimsuits, but most often hid inside our apartment. The heat was simply intolerable. When I moved north, because of my husband’s job, I was excited for the change of scenery plus weather conditions. I imagined myself participating in all sorts of outdoor activities. I planned to buy a snowmobile, learn to ski plus take up ice skating. My husband and I moved into our new house in the fall, plus the weather was entirely appealing. It was right around the time that the leaves began to change to every color from yellow to reddish brown. I loved the subtle chill in the air and purchased a few new sweaters. For once, I actually needed to turn on my heater! However, I was snapped back to reality when the winter hit. The temperature dropped down to twelve below zero, with a vicious windchill, plus the snow piled up in six-foot drifts. I invested a small fortune into a heavy Winter coat, waterproof boots, overcoats, knitted hats plus gloves. I realized that there is no amount of clothing to combat such drastic cold. I also bought a snow shovel plus ice scraper. My husband had to dig out the car for over an hour just for us to go out. I only left our house when entirely necessary. I was more interested in staying where it was warm and cozy. I kept raising the setting on the thermostat until the heating method simply blasted at maximum capacity all the time. My heating bills were so pricey that I couldn’t afford to stay there. I finally convinced my husband to put in a transport request at work. Luckily, we were able to move someplace a bit further south where the weather was mild and manageable.