I hate my new gas furnace.

I ended up with a no-name furnace that was going to end up needing to be replaced in about five years.

I have always heard that hindsight is 20/20 and I finally know what that means. I bought a furnace a couple of months ago, and had I looked at the reviews and the specs for that furnace, I never would have bought it. I can’t believe that I bought a furnace just on someone’s say-so and on the fact that it was cheap. I had been having a problem with my old furnace. I had it repaired several times, and I was hoping for another repair to get me through just one more winter. When winter was over, I would have had enough money saved to purchase a new furnace like the old one. Instead, the HVAC company told me that thjey were unabnle to repair the furnace again. There was a very important component that was cracked. That crack was going to be more expensive to repair than buying a new furnace. Not only the expense, but the crack could leak a life threatening posion called carbon monoxide and other toxic fumes. I had to purchase a new furnace, so I asked them what I could buy for what I already had saved. I ended up with a no-name furnace that was going to end up needing to be replaced in about five years. It runs louder than the old furnace right before it died. It isn’t efficient so I now have higher energy bills. I hate this new furnace, but I have no choice than to put up with it until I can save the money again. I also bought another gas furnace, which I said I would never have again.


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