Have to find new HVAC company – insulted tech (pregnant)

Apparently I am the type of person who regularly needs to shove their own foot in their mouth.

  • I have a bad habit of speaking before I think and accidentally insulting people when I mean no harm.

This has happened so many times with my friends, family, and romantic partners that I should be used to it by now. I really should slow down the relay between my brain and my mouth rather than getting myself into hot water all the time. However, it’s apparently too late for my heating, cooling, and air quality control technician or our professional working relationship. The issue all started when my regular heating and cooling technician arrived at the house for a routine air conditioning system inspection. I needed my AC units to be inspected and repaired before the worst part of the hot and humid season settled into our region. Last year I neglected the air conditioning system and my energy bills were sky high. I guess that’s why I was especially surprised to see my normal heating and cooling technician disembark from her heating, cooling, and air quality control vehicle with a rather large belly on her. Given, I hadn’t seen the heating and cooling worker in at least two years. However, from the look of my air quality control Specialists belly, it seemed as though she had become pregnant. When I showed her to the air conditioning unit I went out of my way to make sure that she would be comfortable for the cooling system repair. Then, at the end of the appointment I wish her the best of luck with her new family addition. My HVAC technician looked at me with a lot of confusion… And then we both realized that I had mistakenly thought she was pregnant. Well, I need a new HVAC worker.



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