Disappointed in my plumber

After having to deal with slow moving drains for nearly a year, I finally hired a plumber.

I’d tried everything else for the most part.

I’d plunged, poured vinegar down the pipes and invested a small fortune into all various brands of chemical drain cleaners with no success in the least. I continually struggled with standing water in the sinks and tubs, which led to a great deal of soap scum left behind. Tired of standing in several inches of water while showering and continually being forced to scrub the bathroom and kitchen sinks regularly, I simply called the first plumber I saw an advertisement for in the newspaper. I should have gone online and done a good amount of research. If I had only checked the reviews, I’d have known that the guy I hired had no clue in the least what he was doing. I’d have been warned that he’d create a sizable mess and charge a hefty price. Instead, I welcomed the plumber at the door and explained what was going on. He assured me that getting the drains running officially again would be no problem at all. He put in several hours of work and managed to rip out the pipes beneath my sinks and tubs. He even went outside and dug up my septic! When he was all finished, my drains did seem to be running a bit faster. However, I had leaks from multiple pipes and a huge disaster in the backyard. He told me that was the best he could manage and handed me the bill. I refused to spend money for his work and the fight turned ugly. I’ve since agreed to cover roughly half of his charges, and I’ve hired a new plumber to resolve the concerns caused by the first. This time, I made sure to find a really good, licensed plumber who guaranteed every task.

