Customer asks me a 1,000 questions and I can't get the HVAC tune-up completed

I’ve been working in the HVAC industry for almost seven years, and I’ve seen everything.

I’m used to the types of crazy antics that customers can display.

I’ve seen my fair share of domestic arguments, and I even saw a customer punch another customer in the face. I had to write a statement to the police one afternoon, when I witnessed a fistfight in the park. I’m accustomed to a lot of different things, especially the customers that want to ask a million different questions. Still, nothing prepared me for the customer I tangled with on a Saturday. I was there to perform a routine HVAC tune up. The job was scheduled for an hour, and it usually only takes about 40 minutes. As soon as I walked into the house, I knew I would be there forever. The customer started asking questions the minute I stepped through the door, and she didn’t stop for a single minute. I tried to answer everything politely, but I was starting to get annoyed when she was following me around. I tried to politely excuse myself from a customer, but she didn’t get the hint. She was taking all of my time, and I finally had to tell her to go away. She didn’t take it very well, and she yelled and screamed and stormed off. I was able to finish the HVAC tune up, but the rest of the meeting was awkward and strange. She paid the bill with her credit card, and she stared at me with dagger eyes the whole time. I’ll never go back to that place, as long as I work for this HVAC company.


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