Babies like it cold?

Have you ever looked up the ideal temperature for babies? I immediately assumed babies would like it warmer in the house. I mean they are in a woman’s belly for nine months. Seems like it would be pretty hot there. I also don’t think a baby could really work up a sweat and get their body warm naturally. So I thought for sure heating would be a priority when my son was born. Well the ideal temperature range for a baby is 68-72 degrees. They apparently like it cooler. My husband and I keep our thermostat set at 74 degrees. I really like to have quality heating during the wintertime. With our newborn son we have needed to sacrifice comfort for a bit. I have lowered the whole home thermostat to 72 degrees. I dress my son in lightweight fabrics and no long sleeves. I also bought a mini split system. Now the nursery has blocked off ductwork and a separate indoor air handler and thermostat. So I can have his room a little cooler and not affect the rest of the house. I can’t believe babies need this amount of cold air. In the summer I think it is going to be particularly rough with the AC. Our home has trouble maintaining 74 degrees in the heat. Now imagine keeping it two degrees lower. My energy bills are going to be out of this world. I don’t want my son to get overheated in his crib though. So I will pay extra for more AC.



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