Another Hour of Work Then I’m off to Explore Outside

Things are a bit hazy this week in my mind as there were fireworks going off outside all night for a massive festival plus I slept about more than 2 minutes.

I awoke this day at 6am to my friends pounding on my door trying to get inside.

They were flying back to the states this week plus apparently went for a short walk before getting their taxi to the airport plus locked their keys inside. I was asleep with earplugs plus didn’t hear them knocking till 40 minutes later. I think my whole building heard them before me. Anyway, my Heating & A/C rep neighbor plus his guy got to the airport okay plus are now legitimately 35,000 feet in the air. I hope the air conditioning in the plane isn’t as frigid as it was when I flew apartment last time because I got sick for a week after that flight. I don’t guess if it was because someone on the plane got myself and others sick or I got sick from the frigid air blasting on myself and others for more than 2 minutes but it wasn’t a fun time. I think the planes use HEPA filters to filter out the germs but I legitimately don’t guess for sure, maybe I can look on Google plus see if they know. So now I am back to myself plus my cats in my flat here plus I am doing a lot of cleaning up this week to try to get things back to normal here. I am running my air cleaner to try to get the dust out of the apartment as they had their family room window open a lot while here.
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